- S3 Encrytion for objects
- SSE-S3
- any api through kms’
- objects made public can never be read
- on s3:PutObject, make the permission kms:GenerateDataKey is allowed
- SSE-C : Your own encrytion keys
- Glacier : all data is AES-256 encrypted, key under AWS control
- Encrpytion in transit(SSL / TLS)
- Amazon S3 exposes
- https endpoint : encrytion in flight
- https is mandatory for SSE-C
- to enforce HTTPS → Bucket policy → aws:secureTransport
- events in S3 Buckets
- S3 Access Logs : take hours to deliver
- S3 event notification
- ex> when new objects created, replication evnets, removal, resotre object
- destination : sns, sqs, lambda
- if versioning is enabled
- trusted advisor
- eventbridge
- need to enable cloud trail object loggin on s3 firs
- S3 security
- user based
- IAM Policies : which api calls should be allowed for a specific user from IAM Console
- Resource based
- bucket policies : bucket wide rules from the s3 console - allow corss account
- grant public access to the bucket
- force objects to be encrypted at upload
- grant access to anothe account(Cross Account)
- optional condition
- sourceIP : Public ip or elastic ip | VpcSourceIp : private IP(through VPC Endpoint)
- source VPC or source VPC Endpoint - only works with vpc endpoints
- cloudfront origin identity
- object access control list, bucket access control list(여기까지 안간다고 함)
- S3 pre-signed URLs
- generate using SDK or CLI
- downloads → csl, uploads → sdk
- vaild for 1 hour , —expires-in available
- vpc endpoint gateway for s3
- private instance → vpc endpoint gateway → aws:sourceVpce, aws:sourceVpc
- s3 object lock & glacier valut lock
- s3 access points
- access point policy to create access point
- it has its own dns name
- vpc origin
- only from within the vpc
- create a vpc endpoint to access the access point
- vpc endpoint policy
- s3 multi-region access point
- must enable bucket versioning
- global endpoint that span s3 buckets in cultiple aws region
- request nearest s3 bucket → lowest latency
- bi-deirectional cross-region replication
- failover controls
- regional traffic distruption → bed outage
- arn .. alias …
- s3 object lambda
- s3 bucket : to modify data
- use aws lambda functions to change the object before it is retrieved by the callar application
- create s3 access point, s3 object lambda access point